Sunday, 24 February 2013

Con-G Report Part II

Hello again my freaky darlings and welcome to part two of the Con-G report!

So Friday started off kind of badly for me as I was stressing over my Rogue cosplay. After trying it on all together I discovered that I did not feel at all comfortable wearing it and now I doubt if it will be worn to Anime North.
He's cute, I look fat and derpy
       Anyway so I ultimately chose to wear my Fiona cosplay from 'Adventure Time' (which I promise to post pictures of once I find some!) and all was peaceful once more in the funky verse!
       So we headed to Con-G and once we got there I was delighted to see that the Pre-registration line was completely empty! I love being rewarded for planning ahead!
       After registration my sister and I puttered around for awhile until she found out that there was a 'Homestuck Photoshoot' so she headed to that and I sat around chatting with a nice chica and lamented my hunger which was quenched post photoshoot with a hotdog!
       I also developed a brief cosplay crush on a cute Jack Frost cosplayer I saw but I got over it once I came to the conclusion that he was likely gay based on his mannerisms (though I still got a picture with him on Saturday).
      The main  reason I chose to go on Friday was actually to attend a 'Nerd Speed Dating' event that was being held and after humming and hawing over whether I wanted to go I ultimately decided to (with a lot of sisterly encouragement).
       The event ended up being rediculously popular despite concerns that it may end up as a sausage-fest (aka all guys) and we ended up with 40 people (20 girls and 20 guys).
It all ran quite smoothly: we had 3 minutes with each person and the guys had to move, not the girls! If you liked someone then you would put a check beside there name on your sheet, which was handed back to the attendant. If the other person gave you a check than the attendants would email you their email!
       There were some very nice people there and I ultimately found myself becoming fond of one particular gentlemen in a military uniform (yes he was in the military) but of course I was worried that he wouldn't choose me..

Oh there we are!
I decided to wear my floofy Stocking dress on Saturday and though I wasn't wearing my Stocking wig, I decided to wear my Rogue wig, resulting in a gothic Belle sort of look. We arrived around 10 but quickly decided that we wouldn't be able to last to our original 4PM pick up time because:
       a.) My dress was waaaaay to poofy to fit through the hall
       b.) Con-G is a smaller con and there isn't that much to do
       So we stayed till 2. I also did my major purchasing that day and I ended up with 2 necklaces, a pair of Bombomb earrings, 2 hair bows, and a new wig for my Stocking cosplay. For some reason I buy a lot of handmade stuff at Con-G, though I have no idea why.
       Best part of the day: running into the cute military guy in the dealers room and we ended up exchanging numbers and have been talking ever since!
        For some reason I ended up getting quite ill once I got home and we never really found out why though I was fine the next day!

The last day of the con and the latest starting one as I didn't arrive until 12PM rather than the usual 9AM. The first half of the morning I spent hanging out with Military Man (squee) and then I hung out with my sister and another one of my Anime North cosplay friends (and one of her friends who was lovely)!
      I actually attended my first panel (EVER) this year when my sister and I ended up wandering into a 'Ask the Homestuck Characters Panel' which was actually a lot of fun! I think I may have to attend more of these. I know shows like Hetalia (eyuck) and My Little Pony have them so we have decided to check out some of those at AN maybe.
The rest of the day was spent in the Dealers room as my sister spent the last of her con money and I ran into military man a few more times, thus resulting in many more awesome hugs.

So overall, Con-G was FABULOUS!

Con-G: Part One!

Hello my freaky darlings and welcome to the first half of my two part Con-G cover!

Part 1 will be focusing more on specific pros and cons of the con while part 2 will be a  basic rundown of what happened while I was there!

BTW  just in case you don't know, Con-G is a 3 day convention in Guelph, Ontario that focuses on Anime

Who did you cosplay as?: Fiona from 'Adventure Time' and a girl in a poofy dress.

How many days did you attend for?: All 3 days

Most memorable event/moment:
Attending Geek Speed Dating (more details in part 2)

Most unexpected event/moment: Actually meeting a great guy at said speed dating

Most awkward event/moment: Seeing people I know but being unable to stop and chat with them

How much money did you spend?: I think 100 dollars

Best cosplay you saw: A chubby Asian guy dressed as PSY

How many pictures did you take?: Only around 20

Least favorite event/moment:Throwing up after I got home on Day 2 (not really con related)

How far did you travel in order to attend the con?:
From Cambridge to Guelph which is only around

How sad/happy were you when the con ended?: I actually felt just fine
Demon Dalek!

What variety of food did you eat over the weekend?: A hot dog on Friday, a protein shake on Saturday morning, Chinese food Saturday night and for breakfast on Sunday (SHUT UP!) and a nommy doughnut.

What did you buy?: 2 Necklaces, a new wig for my Stocking cosplay, a Wallet (which I desperately needed), a pair of earrings,

Things you won't miss: Almost getting run over my Daleks

And finally, what did you do when you got home from the convention?:
Had a shower and started blogging!

Con-G Cons: 

  • The new space feels smaller than the last years, despite being larger
  • The large green Dalek, though awesome, took up way too much space while going through the halls
  • There wasn't enough outside locations for food
  • Not a lot of dealers in the Dealers Room
  • Not enough photoshoot locations
Con-G Pros:
  • Really well organized panels!
  • A lot cheaper than most cons - $30 versus the $60 for Anime North
  • A truly great first con for young con goers due to its simple layout
  • Probably the friendliest con-goers
  • Great time of the year: cold weather is great for a lot of cosplays
  • Great gaming (or so I have heard)
  • Lots of seating for relaxing

Thursday, 7 February 2013


Hello my freaky darlings!

So today I'm going to be talking about my newest web-session : BODYLINE!

My new obsession with lolita fashion has led me to exploring around for not too pricey lolita clothing stores that offer larger size ranges for ladies, like myself, who have lovely lady lumps.
Death by bows!

The main 2 sites I found were Fanplusfriend and Bodyline.

Both of these sites have a good variety of sizes (though I think Fanplusfriend has a wider variety) and some seriously lovely pieces.

However, I have heard some seriously questionable reviews for Fanplusfriend so Bodyline definitely became more trustworthy in my eyes (especially after watching tons of reviews on Youtube and reading a lot of reviews).

Mainly I have found myself being completely obsessed with their more gothic and kuro lolita based items.

Some of the stuff is a little too bow attacked for my liking but from what I have heard, the bows are very easy to remove.

I have also come to realize that the size I would need, 4L (yeah I can admit that) doesn't come in a lot of the items, but that doesn't bother me too much since that way I won't go and buy EVERYthing.

Things that come in 4L (and I actually like)


The only sad thing is how DAMN hard it is to find nice skirts in 4L.

And a few Bodyline tips
  • When it doubt go a size up - it's easier to get something tightened then to loosen something
  • Be careful with shoe sizes - the shoes are in Japanese size which are very different
  • If it looks like cheap lace it probably is
  • If it looks costumey (as in Halloweeny not cosplay-ee) then don't buy it
  • Black and a lot of white lace are usually not a good bet