Part 1 will be focusing more on specific pros and cons of the con while part 2 will be a basic rundown of what happened while I was there!
BTW just in case you don't know, Con-G is a 3 day convention in Guelph, Ontario that focuses on Anime
Who did you cosplay as?: Fiona from 'Adventure Time' and a girl in a poofy dress.
How many days did you attend for?: All 3 days
Most memorable event/moment: Attending Geek Speed Dating (more details in part 2)
Most unexpected event/moment: Actually meeting a great guy at said speed dating
Most awkward event/moment: Seeing people I know but being unable to stop and chat with them
How much money did you spend?: I think 100 dollars
Best cosplay you saw: A chubby Asian guy dressed as PSY
How many pictures did you take?: Only around 20
Least favorite event/moment:Throwing up after I got home on Day 2 (not really con related)
How far did you travel in order to attend the con?: From Cambridge to Guelph which is only around
How sad/happy were you when the con ended?: I actually felt just fine
Demon Dalek! |
What variety of food did you eat over the weekend?: A hot dog on Friday, a protein shake on Saturday morning, Chinese food Saturday night and for breakfast on Sunday (SHUT UP!) and a nommy doughnut.
What did you buy?: 2 Necklaces, a new wig for my Stocking cosplay, a Wallet (which I desperately needed), a pair of earrings,
Things you won't miss: Almost getting run over my Daleks
And finally, what did you do when you got home from the convention?: Had a shower and started blogging!
Con-G Cons:
- The new space feels smaller than the last years, despite being larger
- The large green Dalek, though awesome, took up way too much space while going through the halls
- There wasn't enough outside locations for food
- Not a lot of dealers in the Dealers Room
- Not enough photoshoot locations
- Really well organized panels!
- A lot cheaper than most cons - $30 versus the $60 for Anime North
- A truly great first con for young con goers due to its simple layout
- Probably the friendliest con-goers
- Great time of the year: cold weather is great for a lot of cosplays
- Great gaming (or so I have heard)
- Lots of seating for relaxing
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