Thursday, 29 November 2012

Welcome to my Blog

Hello my freaky darlings and welcome to my little garden of words on the web.
About the Blog
What is ‘Technikitty: The Life and Times of a Freaky Geek’ about? Well, exactly what it sounds like! This blog will be focusing on my life as a geeky young lady with a gothic flair thrown in. It will have entries on a wide variety of topics that will range from Con reports to game reviews and even a few outfit posts and interviews thrown into the mix.

I have no real direct plan for this blog.  I suppose if anything, I just really want some writing practice considering the College program I’m in…but more on that later.
The Freaky Aspect
What can I say about my freakdom? I suppose I have always been a little weird and inclined to the dark and macabre. Maybe it all started with my fascination for witches and monsters? Or maybe it was my Dad taking me to a restaurant that is famous in the area for its hauntings and telling me to always be polite to ghosts (yes I was that little girl who yelled ‘Bye Miss. Emily’ up into the attic where the ghost was reputed to haunt in hopes that she would one day respond).

Well whatever I was it definitely helped mold me into the ghost loving-sun avoiding-horror movie hounding-cemetery exploring-gothling that I am today!
About the Writer

My name is Katrina, more commonly known as Kat by my classmates. I am a 20-year-old chica in my first-year of Broadcast Journalism in a Canadian College. I chose to use the online moniker ‘Technikitty’ after I misread my teacher’s horrible writing and thought that his comment ‘technically’ said ‘Technikitty’.
When I’m not attending cons or exploring graveyards I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, cuddling and generally adoring my cat, coming up with elaborate story ideas that never seem to get anywhere past the planning stage, and reading anything I can get my hands on!

Well now I must be off. I have things to do and people to bother so until next time, I bid you adieu and safe travels.

Holiday Polyvore Posts

Hello my freaky darlings and welcome to my first (of hopefully many) Polyvore posts!

Anyway, now that Rememberance Da is over, my mind has completely turned to, you guessed it, Christmas time!

Lately I have been obssesed with making Polyvore posts! I blame The Dark Victorian! Polyvore posts are just such a great way to plan outfits and decide future clothing purchases.

So I had the urge to create Polyvore posts based on the outfits I wish I could wear for a couple of important December events!


Last day of classes (aka the last day of my first semester of my first year in Broadcast Journalism)
Last Day of School
Last Day of School by technikitty featuring long tops
My last day of school is Friday the 14th (at least I'm pretty sure it is) and I plan on looking good!

The long skirt and sleeves is mainly because my Newswriting classroom is always freakin' cold and I have to take a bus afterwards.

Once again I went with a very black and red colour scheme with a cute red hair rose.

December 22nd, which this year is going to be one of my 3 Christmas dinners!

Rich Family Christmas

Every other year I go to my Dad's sister's place, my Godmother and Aunt's, house for Christmas Day Dinner but this year were going earlier because my Aunt and her family are going away!

So the basis of this outfit is elegance but still pretty dark. My Dad expects my sister and I to dress up for family events, but I love any excuse!

December 24th, family dinner on my Mom's side
Christmas Dinner
Christmas Dinner by technikitty featuring beaded necklaces

On the 24th I am at my Mom's for Christmas dinner and I'm pretty sure that my Aunt and Grandmother will be coming over.

Anytime my Grandmother comes over I like to look my absolute best, though I'm not entirely sure why....

Nonetheless, more black and red here with a great beaded necklace and, le gasp, painted nails!

December 25th, Christmas day and family dinner with my Dad's side
Christmas Day Comfort
Christmas Day Comfort by technikitty featuring slipper shoes
Since red is such a big Christmas colour, and a great Goth colour, I really wanted to go with a red and black colour scheme.

I love the idea of wearing a floofy skirt on Christmas day! The image of sitting in a pile of fluffy cuteness while opening gifts is just so appealing to me!

I added the slippers because both my Dad and my Mom's house have wooden floors and I am damn clumsy!

December 29th, my 21st birthday
Happy Birthday To Me!
Happy Birthday To Me! by technikitty featuring a retro halter dress
For my birthday I'm getting to go see 'The Nutcracker' with my Mom and sister so I figured that going elegant but flirty would be a good way to go.

I have New Years as an event too of course but I'm not sure if I'm going to a party or going out for a fancy dinner so that outfit will have to wait.